Are You Aware Of These Hispanic Friday The 13th Superstitions?

Take a look at these Hispanic Friday The 13th superstitions, if you dare

It’s time to exercise caution as the following Hispanic Friday The 13th superstitions are sure to keep you safe in the midst of dread or doom. Our Latino family, in particular, believes that Friday the 13th is one of the most mysterious days of the year. Be aware of these superstitions or they may alter your fate.

When it comes to Hispanic Friday The 13th superstitions, has your abuela ever given you advice on what you should and shouldn’t do? Let’s take a moment to review some tips as we approach the mysterious day that haunts our families.

Don’t take the seashells from the beach

Hispanic Friday

It’s preferable to leave those adorable seashells on the beach’s sand. Do not bring them home. Divine entities reside in the shells and would rather be left undisturbed. Their anger toward you in your home will only grow as a result of your actions. Better show the deities respect.

Keep evil spirits away with an upside down broom

These days, evil lurks everywhere. It’s best to stay alert, especially if you believe in the Hispanic Friday the 13th superstition. Putting an upside down broom behind your front door is one of the best ways to keep evil spirits away from your house. According to abuelas everywhere, the upside down broomstick drives away bad vibes.

Don’t put your purse/wallet on the floor

Monetarily wise, it is considered bad luck to put your purse or wallet on the floor. This one seems a bit more believable. Who would want to place their clean, expensive bag on the ground anyway?

Keep a full glass of water under the bed

Hispanic Friday

This Friday, make sure to keep all the bad juju away with a full cup of water under the bed. The theory goes that water attracts negative spiritual fluids to itself because of a specific magnetic quality. Thus, the cup of water acts as a kind of warning system; if it becomes murky quickly, it’s sucking in a lot of spiritual filth.

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